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Locate: 908 E Broadway, Columbia MO 65201

Breeze Boutique is located on Broadway in Downtown Columbia, between streets 9th and 10th.


Meter parking is located throughout downtown. A parking structure is located at the intersection of 10th and Cherry. Parking structures are free all day Saturday and Sunday!

Please get in touch!

For assistance, give us a call. For other inquiries, send us a message.

We appreciate your time and effort.

24/7 Texting Customer Service! ~ (573) 315-3559


Phone Number or Email*

What is your question regarding?


Contact Information

Breeze Boutique

906 & 908 & 912 E. Broadway

Downtown Columbia, MO 65201

(for directions, locate only 908 E Broadway, Columbia, MO 65021)

(573) 817-2262

24/7 Texting Customer Service!

(573) 315-3559

Request an Appointment

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